DJVU PDF BENEDICT, Paul. 1992. Austroasiatic loanwords in Sino-Tibetan. MKS 18-19:1-13.
DJVU PDF CHAMBERLAIN, James R. 1992. Thao Hung or Cheuang:a Tai epic poem. MKS 18-19:14-34.
DJVU PDF DIFFLOTH, Gérard. 1992. On the Bulang (Blang, Phang) languages. MKS 18-19:35-43.
DJVU PDF DOWNER, Gordon. 1992. The Tai element in Khmu?. MKS 18-19:44-51.
DJVU PDF FERLUS, Michel. 1992. Sur l’origine des langues Việt-Mường. MKS 18-19:52-59.
DJVU PDF HAUDRICOURT, André G. 1992. Un nom de plante Indonésien en Vietnamien. MKS 18-19:60.
DJVU PDF HENDERSON, Eugénie. 1992. Khasi clusters and Greenberg’s universals. MKS 18-19:61.
DJVU PDF JACOB, Judith. 1992. Some comments on the relationship between Khmer words having identical vowel nuclei and final consonants. MKS 18-19:67-76.
DJVU PDF STAROSTA, Stanley. 1992. Sora combining forms and pseudo-compounding. MKS 18-19:77-105.
DJVU PDF SMITH, Kenneth D. 1992. The -VC rhyme link between Bahnaric and Katuic. MKS 18-19:106.
DJVU PDF PAULSEN, Debbie. 1992. A phonological reconstruction of Proto-Plang. MKS 18-19:160-222.
DJVU PDF SOMSONGE Burusphat. 1992. The Functions of kʌʔ in Oral Kui Narrative. MKS 18-19:223.
DJVU PDF FILBECK, David. 1991. Mal phonology revisited. MKS 18-19:232-239.
DJVU PDF VICKERY, Michael. 1991. Loan words and devoicing in Khmer. MKS 18-19:240-250.
DJVU PDF BAUER, Christian. 1991. OM [s-] addenda. MKS 18-19:250-253.
DJVU PDF BAUER, Christian. 1991. Thai etymologies. MKS 18-19:254-261.