DJVU PDF JENNER, Philip N. 1992. Observations on Old Khmer man. MKS 20:1-10.
DJVU PDF POU, Saveros. 1992. Des mots khmers désignant les documents écrits. MKS 20:11-18.
DJVU PDF SEAM, Long. 1992. Quelques traits grammaticaux charactéristiques de l’ancien khmer. MKS 20:19-30.
DJVU PDF PHU Van Han, Jerold EDMONDSON, Kenneth GREGERSON. 1992. Eastern Cham as a tone language. MKS 20:31-44.
DJVU PDF LYOVIN, Anatole V. 1992. Nominal honorific compounds in Tibetan. MKS 20:45-56.
DJVU PDF THERAPHAN L-Thongkum. 1992. A preliminary reconstruction of Proto-Lakkja (Cha Shan Yao). MKS 20:57-90.
DJVU PDF CLARK, Marybeth. 1992. Conjunction as topicalizer in Vietnamese. MKS 20:91-110.
DJVU PDF FERLUS, Michel. 1992. Histoire abregée de l’évolution des consonnes initiales du vietnamien. MKS 20:111.
DJVU PDF NGUYỄN Phú Phong. 1992. Vietnamese demonstratives revisited. MKS 20:127-136.
DJVU PDF CAO Xuân Hạo. 1992. Some preliminaries to the syntactic analysis of the Vietnamese sentence. MKS 20:137-152.
DJVU PDF NGUYỄN Đình-Hoà. 1992. Vietnamese phonology and graphemic borrowings from Chinese:The Book of 3,000 Characters revisited. MKS 20:163-182.