DJVU PDF HAYES, La Vaughn H. 1999. On the track of Austric part III. basic vocabulary comparison. MKS 29:1-34.
DJVU PDF CONVER, Lynn C. 1999. A sketch of the phonology of a Lamet dialect. MKS 29:35-56.
DJVU PDF SUWILAI Premsrirat. 1999. Phonological variation and change in the Khmu dialects of northern Thailand. MKS 29:57-69.
DJVU PDF LY Toan Thang. 1999. Representation of space in Vietnamese classifiers. MKS 29:71-80.
DJVU PDF THACH Ngoc Minh. 1999. Monosyllabization in Kiengiang Khmer. MKS 29:81-95.
DJVU PDF VƯƠNG Hừu Lễ. 1999. A new interpretation of the Bru Vân Kiêu vowel system. MKS 29:97-106.
DJVU PDF SUWILAI Premsrirat. 1999. (Lexica) So (Thavung)-English-Thai glossary Part II. MKS 29:107-132.
DJVU PDF BURENHULT. (Bibliographies) A bibliographical guide to Aslian linguistics. MKS 29:133-141.