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DJVU PDF SUWILAI Premsrirat. 1992. The Khmu colour system and its elaborations. MKS 21:131-142.
DJVU PDF PROSCHAN, Frank. 1993. Khmu play languages. MKS 23:43-65.
DJVU PDF DAMRONG Tayanin and Kristina LINDELL. 1993. The Khmu cycles of 60 days and 60 years. MKS 23:103-118.
DJVU PDF SUWILAI Premsrirat. 1999. Phonological variation and change in the Khmu dialects of northern Thailand. MKS 29:57-69.
DJVU PDF SUWILAI Premsrirat. 2001. Tonogenesis in Khmu dialect of SEA. MKS 31:47-56.
DJVU PDF SUWILAI Premsrirat. 2002. Appropriateness in Khmu culture. MKS 32:117-129.
DJVU PDF LUNDSTRÖM, Håkan. 2002. Kammu vocal genres and performance. MKS 32:131-143.
DJVU PDF SUWILAI Premsrirat. 2004. Register complex and tonogenesis in Khmu dialects. MKS 34:1-17.